On 17th December 2020, we had our kick-off call. For all who weren’t able to attend. This is the recorded video when Stan shared with us the vision. Stan works for the ministry of infrastructure and water management in the Netherlands. The video is about 38 min. If you would like to just listen to the audio, I added also the audio file below the video. Happy watching or listening!
Author: Nhan
Thoughts, Proposals and Next Steps
This is the first email which Jan-Peter Doomernik sent us after the Odyssey Moment on 29th November 2020 at 7:51 pm. I made minimal changes (typos, punctuation).
Hi all,
We can imagine that like us you can not wait to start to work on your Pilot proposal and that you want to get going and moving. We had a meeting last Friday with the stakeholders and today with Odyssey. In this mail, I want to share with you what we know, what we are working on, and what is still open. All these elements we want to bring together in MIRO board to enable us all to co-create and collaborate. Please send me a mail if you feel that elements are missing.
The importance of your pilot from the stakeholder/ societal perspective
The importance of your beneficial dream-Your criteria for success
Let’s not forget that this challenge started with your intrinsically motivated dream beneficial for all. How do you want the ecosystem of ecosystems to contribute to your dream and to society? What are your criteria for success? What would be visible signs of success? We really would love your input on this.
The importance of critical infrastructure/societal perspective: our criteria for success
What happened at Momentum was already harvestable for us: Your ways of thinking showed us a number of new dimensions to dismantle the problems we jointly share as critical infrastructures. We harvested them in our visual map. These insights will be part of our narrative that we are going to share with our own and other critical infrastructures to energize them to join our co-creation efforts.
In our first stakeholder session after momentum, the energy that you created immediately got tangible again. We have representatives of the 2 biggest investors of the Dutch Government in our midst: The Ministry of Infrastructure (non-movable Assets) and The Ministry of Defense (movable Assets), all caught in some strategical dilemma’s. Your joined pilot, your materialized dreams may well show some unimaginable yet buildable ways to succumb these dilemma’s: your dismantling of hurdles and orthodoxies and translating these new found options, out of which tangible working eco-system solutions emerge: your pilot could be that invitation to radical rethink with whom (and what kind of organizations) we, critical infrastructure need to co-create to ensure a beneficial world for all.
Our success criteria will be aimed at “creating” tangible (systems of) systems that work-beneficial for all, that have an de-escalating effect, that have an Nature2.0-maturity and that grow as communities or commons. We would love find out how our and your success criteria help each other. We aim to use the Miro-board to create and ensure the boundary conditions for impact and success on critical infrastructure/societal level.
What exactly triggers the critical-infrastructures on the team’s dreams and activities? What connected, scared and disconnected them from it. Why?
What triggers the critical infrastructures the most is that the dreams are I) intrinsic and II) beneficial for all. It is absolutely counter-intuitive that the exact framing of the dream is of less importance. Until you remember what you lived through during Momentum and in the preparation phase. By the dismantling of the hurdles of your- specific-dream, you where finding insights, frameworks and models usable beyond the specificity of your dream.. Our believe is if we follow the process then the manifestation of your dream can only mean that you are creating building blocks beneficial for all intrinsic motivated dreams, beneficial for all. All the Partners represent such a kind of dream, that why we love it. What scares and disconnects us are if you start to develop building blocks that are only suitable to enforce (or nudge) your specific dream on the world. If you are aiming to generate some kind of value or value-perception that can be used to enforce via a scarcity-mindset and systems of control- then you are probably solving problems in the world of today using the known mechanisms of today. We don’t have any judgement on that, it is just not why we joined this challenge. If you want to become a millionar (or an absolute power) you are on your own. If you want to make the world a better/nicer place, if you want to help and serve, you’ll have a lot of friends. The critical infrastructures joined this challenge to look for friends and tackle the big ownerless problems of the world together.
Joined criteria: Let’s write a Memorandum of understanding
Let’s start with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on for example nature2.ooo and naturehacked.us where we all state that we don’t do this out of profit incentives, that the innovations to be developed should benefit the society as a whole, are open source and indeed should be ownerless.
The outline of what we ask you to do
(proposal) Scope: Materialize your dream (as ecosystem of ecosystems)
How would you gather an unstoppable amount of options to come to a community that helps you and co-creates with you to realize your purpose driven dream. What would you need for a first physical realization (Pilot) ? How would you help the ecosystem to evolve to be self-sustaining in 2030? Of course, like during momentum we will help you to look for specialist help (aka ‘Jedi) when you need them. Your deliverable is a presentation and a plan, that could be part of the living lab-proposal that Stan Kerkhofs is planning to finalize in April 2021. The presentation offers essential insights in your vision and (integral) approach. The plan offers insight in your “strategy”, needed team/community, needed material/assets and strategy and means to create a bridge with nature1.0 and the rest of the world.
(proposal) Deadline
Our initial idea/proposal to you is 2 months of preparation time (7 weeks+2 weeks off at Christmas). If this is acceptable to you we would be organizing an event in the end of January 2021. But we are very open to discuss and explore other options with you as needed during our kick off session that will be planned ASAP.
Suggested proposal context: an eco-system of Living Labs
Stan Kerkhofs is working on a proposal to create a ‘Low Tech Campus’ (LTC) as part of a later to be defined Living Lab Infrastructure including Territorial Development (working title: “Living Lab Infrastructure and Territorial Development Brainport”). In the ‘Low Tech Campus’ the identities of soil, water, air, plants, animals and humans are respected.
The ‘Low Tech Campus’ will be developed in close cooperation with the more traditional Living Lab InnovA58 (that will be completed mid 2021). InnovA58 is focusing on product innovation in the Soil, Road and Water sector. Their field lab is a resting place along the A58 (high way) with innovation lanes and a pavilion.
The proposal Stan is working on, the ‘Low Tech Campus’ (LTC) is focusing on system innovation including social innovation. The field lab of the ‘Low Tech Campus’ is farmland (ca 2 ha) beside the field lab of the Living Lab InnovA58 and the area around the resting place; an old neighborhood of about 10 km2.
The “Living Lab Infrastructure and Territorial Development Brainport”, the bigger to be defined Living Lab infrastructure, focusses on the binding of the highway (and all mobile infrastructure elements that could use or be part of a highway) to the surrounding area.
Stan expects to finalize his proposal in April 2021. His aim is to include your Nature2.0 pilot proposal in his Living lab proposal where, if one follows the concept of the current draft, new forms of collaboration will be supported to be self-sustaining in 2030. Of course we will elaborate on this opportunity in the coming weeks.
Budget to create proposal
As shared with you before the Jury offered you a total budget of 15.000 Euro. With this gesture the Jury raised the original grand with 4.000 Euro. 11.000 Euro can and will be paid by Odyssey on request ( +1000 Euro team bonus for each team). For the additional 4.000 we are looking a way to make it accessible for you at the earliest moment possible (but we have some bureaucratic hurdles there).
First idea’s on Process / way of working/ way of exploration for proposal creation
Basically we would love to continue working with you as we did before. That means we (=JP, Maarten, Robert, Conny, +… )would love to facilitate you in your process! Our proposal: This means dedicated team sessions on request from a somewhat bigger Nature2.0 core team. Where helpful we will bring additional experts in+ Weekly Stand up sessions for the collective of teams and the broader Nature2.0 CI Ecosystem, to ensure help, support and co-creation where possible, wanted or needed.
What we ask from you (engangement+Nature2.0+focus on the power of the community)
What we ask of you is to create a joined pilot proposal with all the teams that are interested and committed in materializing their purpose driven dream beneficial for all. We ask your engagement. In this first draft you’ll discover hopefully a lot of help of us in different shapes and forms. Our aim is to continue creating conditions for co-creation as a community between us and you. A community to maximize and realize the potential “Nature2.0-thinking” has to offer.
We would love to offer help in structuring ideas and concepts, structure, plan and realize communications via video (Maarten) via our and other channels and help to help grow the communities. We also were really psyched about https://naturehacked.us and are intrigued to see how it is going to evolve, as an example of new potential channels.
Content pilot proposal (under construction) and relation to other communities and organizations
What is needed to Materialize in a living lab
Minimum requirement is the realization/the materialization of your dream, as a first starting point of an eco-system that works as part of a living lab, where you would have until the end of 2030 to become a self-sustaining ecosystem (or ecosystem of ecosystems).
What is needed to Materialize as part of a moving ecosystem (optional)
Some of you already thought about materialization of your dream as part of “moving” ecosystems, like hacker-camps, festivals or in the end even moving cities. These are ideas and concepts we strongly encourage, as moving “infrastructures” is one of the current blind spots of today’s critical infrastructures where their could well be additional synergy for either European solutions of roll out in environments where there is little to none matured infrastructure at the moment.
What is needed to Materialize as part of a virtual ecosystem (optional)
Given the nature of the hackathon we also encourage you to maximize on distributed or decentralized aspects (digital twins) that can materialize “on request” (with a bit of help of for example 3D printing) to increase the resilience, the number of alternatives and the distribution of the ecosystems you aim to emerge.
Relation pilot proposal to ecosystem partners
We want you to discover and use any co-creation potential we can identify and offer.
Relation to the Odyssey-Program
Normally the Odyssey Ignite Track Event happens sooner (first weeks of December) and is aimed at a joined little step of all involved stakeholders. We discussed our alternative approach with Odyssey, who were very open for this alternative. Choosing to invest more time and co-creation effort in our proposal means that we’ll have to organize our “presentation-event” ourselves.
The Odyssey program 2020 will be concluded with a “next-level” event, that focusses on the next evolutionary step of the odyssey program. Form and timing for this event is yet unknown.
Kick-off session
Collective of teams, nature20 core team and ecosystem if possible. We’ll be reaching out to the team captains next to plan a date ASAP. We’ll prepare a process proposal in the MIRO Board
The first joined small-step
What are easy first steps to get going and moving? The Memorandum of understanding (see 1.d “joined criteria”) for example could be a great first step to helps us align even better
Weekly stand-ups
Updates + asks for helps
Team/consortium sessions with Nature2.0 extended core teams
Deep dives to jointly discover and build on each other.
Whatever is needed to let the eco-systems grow
*wild card*. Think for example communication. Jeroen had the Idea to guest as many podcasts as possible or to even start our own.. It is brainstorm time here..